
InicioHistorias EmotivasPerra al borde de la muerte se aferra a...

Perra al borde de la muerte se aferra a su oso de peluche

Scarlett fue rescatada en primer lugar por Simi Valley Missing Pets, y luego tomada por Brittany y Robbie Jacalone en hogar temporal, ella parecía estar en una racha ganadora. Pero el 23 de febrero estuvo la perra al borde de la muerte, el animal se atragantó con un trozo de croqueta y dejó de respirar por completo.

Ellos despejaron rápidamente la garganta y llevaron a cabo la RCP (Reanimación Cardio Pulmonar), pero al llegar al hospital, los médicos estimaron que sólo tenía una probabilidad del 20 por ciento de supervivencia.

Perra estuvo al borde de la muerte

Perra al borde de la muerte se aferra a su oso de peluche

Milagrosamente Scarlett vivió durante toda la noche, así como el día después. Ella estaba encerrada en una cama con oxígeno a presión donde sólo podía abrazar un oso de peluche mientras se recuperaba.

SCARLETT NEEDS TO STAY AT THE HOSPITAL LONGER. The fundraiser goal amount has been increased. Scarlett will definitely need to stay longer than 3 days. Our pack is strong though!!
Scarlett needs her pack protectors!
And PLEASE keep sharing!!

Scarlett the Bulldog UPDATE. From Scarlett’s devoted foster mom, Brittany Baum Jacalone late last night:
It has been 48 hours since Scarlett choked on her dinner and stopped breathing. She was rushed to the emergency hospital. She is alive, which is (in her doctors words) HUGE! The first 48 hours were critical for Scarlett and she made it! She is, however, still in a very critical state.

Scarlett will need to stay where she is for at least 3 days longer than planned and paid for, which ends this Saturday. The vets have not given us a new time frame, although they say it should at lease be another 3 on top. Meaning 6 days. Scarlett needs to stay in her pressurized oxygen bed and continue to receive the around the clock treatment that she is currently getting.

SVMP can’t thank the staff at the animal hospital enough for being so kind. They have been very open to us visiting Scarlett at different times throughout each day and night. They’ve reached out to talk us through this ordeal every step of the way and have answered ALL of our questions.

Scarlett is receiving amazing medical care. And, she needs it! While it may not seem like it, Scarlett has made some GREAT improvements. She’s been getting up and strolling around her kennel. This morning, when her foster dad, Robbie, visited, lil’ Scarlett even wagged her tail and licked his hand! During tonight’s visit, Scarlett came to the front of the kennel to come see us. Our sweet girl tried to stay awake as long as possible while we were there (as you can see in the video).

Scarlett was supposed to get x-rays today, but because her breathing hasn’t improved enough, she needed to stay in her oxygen kennel. Hopefully, they can get the x-rays taken tomorrow, but her breathing improvement is absolutely crucial at this point. Scarlett is on broad spectrum antibiotics as well, which are necessary for her recovery.

Thank you ALL for your continued support and help! Scarlett needs it. This sweet girl is a fighter. But, she is in no way out of the woods. Scarlett NEEDS to stay where she is and continue to get the care she is receiving. We’ve raised our fundraiser goal to come up with the needed amount to get her through the weekend.
Scarlett has 2 diagnoses:
? Non-cardia genic edema from choking and
? Aspiration pneumonia from choking.

We are almost there! Everyone’s support and well wishes from LITERALLY all over, has us all in awe. So, PLEASE, let’s keep the positive thoughts coming Scarlett’s way. And, PLEASE SHARE her story to help raise the needed funds. No more arguing about prices and such. Just keep scrolling if you don’t support our Baby Bull Dog as only happy thoughts are needed! Prayers are needed. Wishes on shooting stars and floating eyelashes are needed! Just peace and love for our Scarlett! This is the path we are taking. It’s already been done. We have heard it all… TRUST US. Now we just want to see our pack come together and share all that beautiful energy in you with Scarlett to keep her breathing!! Just keep breathing little one!!!

We have to say a HUGE THANK YOU to Lois ???Parmenter. She not only gave us a very generous donation towards Scarlett’s care, but because the money you all donated takes a few days to transfer, Lois also lent us the money for Scarlett’s care through Saturday so that she could continue to be treated.

Watching this video may give you the impression that she is not doing well. Scarlett is getting better everyday! They will most likely have to up the charges and keep her in the hospital longer, but they strongly feel she’s going to beat this!

If you would like to donate to save Scarlett you can:

? click the Donate Now button above on our page

? go directly thru our website at www.SimiValleyMissingPets.org/Donate

? go thru Scarlett’s Fundraiser Page at www.payit2.com/f/SaveScarlettTheBulldog

?PLEASE don’t forget to share this post, the more people who see it, the better chance we get the money raised.

?SVMP is an IRS recognized 501c3 nonprofit charitable organization and all donations are TAX DEDUCTIBLE to the fullest extent allowed by law. Tax ID 46-2031562.




Love, the SVMP family.

Posted by Simi Valley Missing Pets on viernes, 26 de febrero de 2016

Skarlett en el hospital
Perra al borde de la muerte se aferra a su peluche

Scarlett recuperó lentamente su fuerza, y otro milagro ocurrió: Las personas que se enteraron de su caso donaron más de 10.000 dolares a Simi Valley Missing Pets, que cubrían la factura del hospital que salvó la vida de Scarlett.

Perra se queda con padres adoptivos Skarlett

Lo mejor de todo esto es que los padres de crianza de Scarlett la visitaron cada día, donde cada vez más crecía su amor por esta perra tan valiente, así que no podían dejarla ir, en marzo fue dada de alta del hospital y ellos la adoptaron.

Más información: Facebook

Visita también: 

VIDEO: Patos rescatados de granja de foie gras son inseparables

VIDEO: Perra abandonada en un refugio se rehúsa a moverse hasta que devuelvan a sus cachorros 

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